I think libimobiledevice's developer will give better solution than this guide, soon.
In developer homepage, easy way will be adopted on 1.1.6.
This guide is just compile and update the newest version of the libimobiledevice and the ifuse.
So, I assume that a reader has a knowledge about using make, cmake, automake, git .. etc which are using widely on developing.
And I also do follow things on my ubuntu 12.04 before update binary.
1. Install libimobiledeivce-1.1.5 and related libraries.
2. Disable automount on desktop.
Before to do this guide, you must find your original binaries on your system. In my system, it was "/usr", so I add "--prefix=/usr" when configuration.
Now, lets go.
1. update libimobiledevice
- git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice
- cd libimobiledevice
- autoreconfig
- automake --add-missing
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- sudo make install
2. update ifuse
- git clone http://cgit.sukimashita.com/ifuse.git
- cd ifuse
- ./autogen.sh
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- sudo make install
* I also manually update the libfuse as 2.9.3.
After finished, following command works fine.
- idevicepair pair
-- success
- idevicepair validate
-- paried deivce införmation
- ifuse /media/iphone --root
-- it works fine
Trust message does not bother me after update.
Happy new year.
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